Our primary goal is to maintain the health and safety of our employees in accordance with legal regulations and the standards of SCCP:2011.
As a specialist in industrial electrical plant construction, it is important to us to carry out our services according to the highest quality standards. Our company is certified according to ISO9001:2015 . Continuous improvement and further development are also particularly important to us.
We can all contribute to the responsible use of our environment. We at Bähr Anlagenbau also try to make a contribution to conserving resources through conscious action.
Our commitment to quality and safety is reflected in our certifications and awards that recognize our processes and systems.
Quality management
Occupational safety
The entire SGS Group is committed to complying with fundamental ethical rules. The Code of Conduct We have recorded our corporate principles and thus created a guideline for our employees and subcontractors. The SGS Group is thus clearly committed to its responsibility towards people, the environment and society. We strive to identify and clarify possible misconduct within the company as quickly as possible and to take the necessary remedial measures. An open, trusting communication culture at eye level ensures that concerns are expressed promptly, grievances are identified earlier and thus misconduct occurs less frequently. For this purpose, in accordance with the Whistleblower Protection Act (HSchG), SGS Industrial Services GmbH provides an address to which concerns about misconduct can be reported quickly and easily: hinweis@sgs-industrial.com Incoming reports are treated confidentially and carefully investigated. Whistleblowers who report proven or suspected violations of laws, the Code of Conduct or other internal guidelines and regulations will not face any negative consequences of any kind, unless their own actions are affected.