
Transformer assembly

Efficient and effective: Transformer assembly by Bähr Anlagenbau

We, the Bähr team, have extensive experience and technical know-how in the assembly of transformers of various sizes and types. This long-standing experience means that we remain calm, even when unforeseen events occur. Care and precision during installation are our top priority. Trust in the expertise of Bähr Anlagenbau GmbH to complete your transformer assembly on time and professionally.

our services

  • Installation of transformers
  • Oil filling and oil testing including tests
  • Copper busbar
  • Safety and quality controls
  • Planning and installation of cable support scaffolding
  • Grounding

contact person

We look forward to your project. Contact us directly.

Tobias Heger

Head of Sales and Project Management

P: +49 211 972 651 14
M: +49 163 41 42 931